Uber Safe or Uber Scary?

Just last week, a 17-year-old son and his father were shopping for a first car, when they were fatally shot at a Kia dealership. Just last week, four close friends met for lunch at a Cracker Barrel when they were fatally shot in the parking lot after their meal. Just last week, a fourteen year old girl sat in her car waiting for her mother when she was shot leaving her in critical condition. Just last week, a certified Uber driver took the lives of seven innocent humans, and leaving eight families heartbroken, confused, and changed forever.

James Brian Dalton, a 45 year old married man with two children with no past mental or criminal history admitted he “took people’s lives” after he was given his Miranda Rights. When he appeared in court this Monday, Dalton showed no emotion while the Judge denied any bail.

On Saturday morning Dalton visited a local gun shop where he was a familiar customer and purchased a large concealment jacket. He hugged a friend while there, then went on his way. Just hours later, Dalton would shoot eight innocent people. He first shot a woman with the name of Tiana Carruthers at her apartment complex in front of her children, then preceded with his regular day. He then, allegedly chauffeured a few Uber passengers before his next rampage. Hours later, Dalton shot Tyler Smith, 17, and his father Richard, 53, cold-blooded at a Kia car dealership. After the dealership, Dalton drove to a Crackle Barrel where he shot and killed four innocent older ladies, and critically injured a 14 year old girl.

Just one hour before the shootings began, Matt Mellen ordered an Uber, Dalton then arrived. According to CNN’s “AC360” Mellen explained that Dalton answered a phone call and told them he would call them back. After the call Dalton began driving erratically. At the safest moment, Mellen jumped and ran from the car.

Dalton is awaiting trial being detained by authorities. There has been no set bail as requested by the judge.