Attempted Kidnapping in Madison
Police are investigating an incident that took place near MHS
On Saturday October 1st at 8:45 pm, 4 children in Madison NJ experienced a near-kidnapping on Ridgedale Avenue, just a few blocks away from the high school. The kids were walking down Ridgedale when a suspicious car pulled over and a man told them to get into the vehicle. The kids then ran down Sayre court as the man got out of the car and began to chase them. A relative of one of the children happened to be driving by and picked them up before the suspect could reach them. Police are still searching for the car and unfortunately no license plate was recorded. The vehicle was said to be an old jeep model, green, and has a tire on the back and a bike rack on the top. The 4 kids described the man as Hispanic with minimal facial hair and was accompanied by a blonde female in the passenger seat. The female did not get out of the car.
The four children told Madison Police that a few minutes before the incident, another car honked its horn at them while walking down Ridgedale Ave. So far it’s unclear if the two are linked; police are still investigating the situation.
If you happen to see the vehicle described or have any extra information regarding the incident, you are advised to report it to the police.
Ava Kwan • Jan 22, 2017 at 2:33 am
Since I live close to the high school, this news was very alarming when I had first heard about it, thankfully in recent news, there hasn’t been any other attempted kidnappings.
Alvin Rhee • Oct 28, 2016 at 1:52 pm
I knew about this and it’s pretty scary that something like this happened so close to my home. Also there is this kid I know from hockey and he claims that his friend’s brother was in the group that was almost kidnapped.
John Royce • Oct 28, 2016 at 1:44 pm
I did not know that the attempted kidnapping was done by two people and one of them chased the children until they were picked up by a relative.