Thoughts of a New Driver
The joys of turning 17
As you may know driving can be very exciting. Especially when it’s your first time by yourself after a year of dragging your parents around, practicing K turns and parallel parking. Being a new driver myself, I thought that my first time driving alone was going to be exhilarating. I had my new keychain for my keys, and my aux cord ready to go. But little did I know, driving alone was simply terrifying. So for all you new drivers out there, here is a list of thoughts and fears that ran through my head my first time driving.
- How do I play music from my phone?
- Why are the windshield wipers not turning off?
- Why is my car making that sound?
- Is it my right of way or their right of way?
- What’s the speed limit here?
- I wish I had someone to talk to.
- Am I supposed to go at the green light or the green arrow?
- What lane am I supposed to be in?
- Why are these people beeping at me!
- I can’t believe they just flipped me off
- What do I ask for when I go to get gas?
- Where is the button to open the gas tank?
- How do I adjust my seat?
- Why do people decide to text me only when I’m driving?
- Is that a dead animal in the road?
- How am I supposed to fit in a parking spot this small?
- Why is my mom calling me now?
- I’m so bored, who can I pick up?
- I can’t tell if my high beams are on or not.
- What does the parking brake really do?
- Is that a cop?
- Maybe I shouldn’t be speeding.
- I’m pretty sure I just ran through a stop sign.
- Why isn’t the heat going on?
- Why is the pedestrian letting me go first? I’m being nice lady you go first!
- My destination is right there, but I don’t want to parallel park.
- Looks like I’m parking a few blocks down.
- What did I just run over.
- Why is the speed limit 15 mph…I feel like a grandma driving.
- Is there anyway to avoid the highway?
- I’m scared to speed up on the highway
- When am I supposed to indicate?
- I’m lost.
- Where’s the closest chipotle?
- I didn’t think I’d actually be bored.
- I really wanna check those texts, but I know I can’t.
- Why is there so much traffic?
- Why is that person staring at me through the window?
- I wonder what time I’m supposed to be home.
- This was not as fun as I expected.
Jackie • Mar 26, 2016 at 5:48 pm
I really like driving and I took my test a few weeks ago! Even though I like driving, it’s still pretty stressful and I’m so bad at merging onto the highway. I don’t have my own car, but I’ve been doing a lot of driving by myself and I agree with most of these points!
Catherine • Mar 26, 2016 at 5:13 pm
Very relatable!!!! (Even though I can’t drive yet)
Tori • Mar 20, 2016 at 8:14 pm
This article is funny and certainly true! Although I haven’t taken my driver’s test yet, I have thought many of these things while practicing!