Swinter Weather
This December has set record breaking high temperatures throughout the country. Moreover, the high for Christmas day this year ranged from 60-70 degrees around the tristate area breaking the previously set records of years past. The warm weather has sparked the curiosity of many people wondering what could be the cause of the very unseasonable weather.
El Nino is the driving force behind this winter’s unusually warm temperatures. As a result of El Nino warming the ocean waters in the tropical Pacific, the weather patterns around the globe are altered and directly impact the United States, especially during the winter. Typically, El Ninos bring warmer temperatures to the bulk of the United States during the winter, which is consistent with the pattern that we are currently seeing. Additionally, a stronger than average polar vortex is helping to keep the cold air bottled up in the polar region. This allows most of the United States and Canada to experience warmer temperatures in the winter months.
According to the NOAA, the current seasonal outlook does not help to make predictions about snowfall. Snow storm forecasts are not typically able to be made until about a week before the storm hits.
Unfortunately, scientists believe that global warming has a part in the unusual temperatures this year. Global surface temperatures are set to breach 1 degree Celsius rise from pre industrial levels. 2014 has been the hottest year to date, and the past five years are shaping up to be the hottest such period.