New Vice Principal Mr. Dreschel Joins Madison High Staff

MHS VP Mr. Drechsel
Madison High School welcomes Mr. Dreschel as its new vice principal for the 2017-2018 school year. Mr. Dreschel previously worked at Millburn as a math teacher before replacing former vice principal John Connolly, who coincidentally just took up the role of principal of Millburn Middle School. MDO had the chance to interview Mr. Dreschel about his thoughts and goals as the new vice principal.
MDO: What motivated you to come work as a vice principal at Madison?
MD: ¨I was looking for a new challenge. As a teacher you have the ability to help your students, but sometimes it’s hard to help out the the teachers and staff of the school. As a vice principal I can be of greater help to more of the staff in the school.¨
MDO: What has most impressed you about the high school?
MD: ¨How welcoming and helpful everybody is. Coming into a completely new environment, it can be intimidating not knowing anyone or anything in the school, but the administrators, teachers, and students all seemed welcoming and willing to help.¨
MDO: What challenges do you think the high school has and how are you hoping to face these challenges?
MD: ¨I don’t know the challenges yet, but I will take the first couple months to get the lay of the land and take things from there. Building a new stem facility will definitely create scheduling challenges, but it will also provide more opportunities for our students.¨
MDO: Are you planning on making any additions or changes to the current code of conduct?
MD: At this point I don’t foresee anything in the near future. I think I will see how things go. Mr.Robertson told me I am a ¨fresh set of new eyes¨ in the building so I’ll provide a different approach to the role and really any changes can be posed for discussion over the school year.
MDO: What expectations do you have for the students?
MD: I think all students should be responsible for their actions, take advantage of all opportunities available, be model citizens, and respect each other and the facility.
MDO: What are you most looking forward to in your new role at MHS?
MD: A different daily routine. Your day will never be the same as the day before, there will always be constantly new challenges. You always have to be on your toes and be ready for something unexpected or a different set of challenges.
Erika Pedersen • Nov 27, 2017 at 7:01 pm
I think this article is informative about Mr. Dreschel and it also nice to learn a bit about what he did before coming to Madison because otherwise we do not know a lot about him. It is also nice to know that he is excited to be a part of our community at MHS and has been welcomed by the staff and students because that is important to students to know that their faculty supports them and it is also good to know that he has felt welcome in retuen. Overall I enjoyed this article because is informative about Mr. Dreschel and allows us to learn about our new vice principal.
Chloe O'Connell • Nov 26, 2017 at 3:24 pm
I liked this article a lot and I think Mr. Dreschel can bring a lot of good things to Madison. What Mr. Robertson said about Mr. Dreschel being a “fresh set of new eyes” is very true, he can bring a lot to Madison that we might not have seen before. I think Mr. Dreschel really wants the best for everyone at Madison and is willing to do a lot to get the best which will really benefit all of Madison High School.
Anne Ona Mus • Nov 22, 2017 at 11:46 am
I miss Connolly 🙁