Back to Back Championships for Dodgers
Matty Mulcahy makes winning catch with 19 seconds to go
For the second year in a row the Madison Dodgers have won the State Championships with a heart stopping last minute play. In the first quarter both the Dodgers and the Lenape Valley Patriots scored one touchdown, and one extra point. The next two quarters flew by, with neither team scoring again. After multiple failed touchdown attempts on both sides, and some incredible Madison defense, the fourth quarter came around. With only thirty seconds left in the game Dodger senior quarterback Michael Kearney threw the ball, and sophomore Matty Mulcahy caught it at nineteen seconds, and ran. Thanks to an incredible defense Matty made it into the endzone, and scored the final touchdown, winning Madison the game. Madison fans lost their minds, and didn’t stop screaming until long after the game was over.
This year was an important year for the Dodgers, because joining the football team and the band were the brand new Madison cheerleaders. The cheerleaders did a great job at the game; they lead the crowd in cheering, and never stopped. Also, throughout the game, Football Fanatics host Ryan Sudol* was going back and forth from the Madison stands to the Lenape Valley stands and back, interviewing students and commentating about the game. The stadium was never quiet; Dodger and Patriots fans were cheering and screaming for their teams the entire game. This win not only gives Madison back to back State Championships, but also gives them five wins in seven years. This marks a momentous occasion not only for the Madison Dodgers, but also for MHS in general.
* Here’s the link to the State Chamionship episode of the Football Fantatics youtube series: