The Importance of Learning a Second Language

Students understand the importance of learning Mandarin

Sage Geyer

Students understand the importance of learning Mandarin

Many students seem to grumble and groan over the three year language requirement we have here at Madison High School, however, that policy is there for a reason. Studies have shown that language classes can do more for adolescents than fill a slot in their school schedules. Language can help improve memory skills and even make you more intelligent.

In a study conducted by Peter A. Eddy, researchers looked at eleventh grade students at three different high schools and compared their SAT and similar test scores to whether or not they took a language class. This search concluded that students who took a language class scored higher on the english portion of such tests. Furthermore, there was a correlation between the number of years the student took a language class and a higher test score.

Besides raising test scores, language classes can help keep your memory sharp as you grow older. Studies have shown that those who have taken language classes are able to recall things from their past more easily and faster than those who have not. Likewise, the onset of dementia was pushed back an average of 4.5 years in bilingual patients as compared to those who only spoke one language.

So what is Madison High School doing to help its students succeed? Our school offers four language courses to its students and requires them to take one for at least three years. “I would say my Spanish class has definitely helped me outside of school,” said Nick Spagnoletti. “Just a few weekends ago while taking the ACT, I was able to recognize the roots of vocab words that allowed me understand them. I may not have been able to determine their meanings without the Spanish I learned throughout my schooling.”

While some students may see their language class as a burden, it is important to remember how much it can help, even in ways you might not expect.