Mr. Cecala’s First Ted Talk

Madison High School tv records and edits every single Ted Talk so that the masses can hear what the teacher has to say.
Madison High School has been hosting Ted talks throughout the year. Teachers come and discuss different talks that might not be brought up in normal class discussion. Most recently, Mr. Cecala had his first Ted talk this past month on May 26th. He discussed the backstory of possible paranormal occurences in Summerhill Park, which is located near the high school.
Audiences were fascinated by the mysterious death and trial that had taken place in Madison about one hundred years prior. Mr. Cecala explained that an eleven year-old girl was walking home from babysitting one night and was pulled into the woods that she passed and was stabbed numerous times. Even many years later, there is still no sign of the murder weapon and who may have actually killed. However, it has been known that drivers have seen a ghost on multiple occasions walking in or around the park.
Mr. Cecala then enlightened the audience with a video from him and two seniors. The video portrayed the trio going ghosthunting in the nearby woods. Though no ghost were seen in the video, it did give the audience a good chuckle. Overall, Mr. Cecala gave a fascinating and uncommonly known history about Madison.