Madison Presents The Little Mermaid
Cast of Madison High School’s production of The Little Mermaid
This year’s musical, The Little Mermaid, was a huge success. The show sold out all four shows, and was renowned by audiences. When The Little Mermaid was announced last year, people were unsure how it would go considering it’s a play generally performed by younger grades, but any doubt anyone could have had was blown away by the spectacular performances of the cast and crew. From actual flying seagulls to eye catching costumes, Little Mermaid had all. It was especially a success with the younger generation, and there were children at every show dressed as Ariel. The play itself was a fantastic and intricate production. Several members of the cast had to ‘fly’ through the air, especially the seagull Scuttle. The stage crew must be recognized for their hard work in getting these characters to fly.
Also, the costumes had people talking. They were bright and wonderfully done, especially the mermaid costumes. Not only did they have to have a tail, but they also had to give the appearance of swimming, and in Ariel’s case, the tail had to come off. The design was intricate and undoubtedly difficult to design and manage. The crew of the show did an excellent job pulling off these fantastical scenes, and it definitely paid off.
There was one part of the play in particular that was amazing to see: the audience participation. Before the play started, and during intermission, the audience was asked to purchase “magic wands” (glow sticks). These ‘wands’ were used to represent stars during the song Kiss The Girl. It was beautiful and amazing. Kiss The Girl was already a fantastic scene, and the stars only added to it.
All in all Madison High School’s The Little Mermaid was a spectacular and worthwhile performance, and definitely worth the twelve dollar admission.