MDO’s Declassified School Survival Guide: Freshman Year


Julia Prout

Seniors can look very intimidating to freshman.

Welcome Back! Every student remembers how awkward they were freshman year, all of the mistakes they made and memories that will last forever. Madison Dodger Online asked the non-freshman population of MHS for advice that they (the students) wished they had received to prepare for freshman year.


Some gave advice about ACADEMICS:

“[freshman year is] not as bad as you think, it gets easier and it gets more fun”

“don’t procrastinate”

“don’t be nervous to use tutorial”

“utilize study halls well”

“be prepared for Great Expectations”

“don’t take AP Physics as a sophomore”

“It’s not the end of the world if you get a bad grade”

“your freshman year grades matter”

“you don’t need to cry when you’re late for class”


Others gave advice about EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:

“get involved”

“don’t fight on social media”

“join winter track”

“make as many friends as you can, be outgoing”

“go all out on spirit days, no one will care how silly you may look”

“don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself”

“don’t be afraid to be an individual”

“don’t be afraid of the seniors”

“make senior friends so you can get rides”

“don’t burn a lot of bridges”


While some gave advice about MHS specifically:

“go hide in a locker before you get shoved in”**

“don’t crowd the hallways”

“don’t wait until after lunch to use the bathroom”

“bring your own lunch, everything’s whole wheat”

“find your favorite bathroom and stick with it”

“the girls A-hall bathroom highlights all of your flaws, it’s not you, it’s the lighting”

“the phone booth is not for hooking up”

** correction: the person who told me this “advice” explained that it was a joke. Freshman will never have to worry about being shoved into lockers.


Lastly, a select few decided to give advice about FASHION:

“leggings are not pants”

“pajamas are solely for pajama day”

“don’t wear heels to school, you’re welcome”

“Uggs are not shoes”


If you have any additional pieces of advice to give new students at MHS, feel free to share in the comments below!

Have a great year, everyone!