

Nikki Taylo

Olivia Waresk’s food instagram.

Instagram has been growing in popularity these past few years. While mostly everyone has an account, senior Olivia Waresk has three! She has her real account, her “finsta” (fake instagram) and her most recent account, @nugsoverdrugs.

As indicated by the name, this account consists of many pictures of delicious food and where they’re from. While Olivia takes a lot of pictures herself, she also asks for submissions. Slowly but surely, this account has been recognized and has been growing in popularity. Olivia Waresk was kind enough to let MDO in on her new account experience:

MDO: What made you want to start this account?

OW: One day I was looking through my old photos from junior year and I realized that I had so many photos of great food I’ve had over the past few years. The idea then struck me that I should post these somewhere and get recognition for them. So that’s when I decided to start nugs over drugs.

MDO: Has it increased in popularity?

OW: I’ve definitely been gaining a lot more followers in the past month by word-of-mouth and following other people who then follow me back.

MDO: How did you make the account so known?

OW: I just followed a bunch of my followers from regular account and people started following back. I also tweeted to promote it.

MDO: Has anyone encouraged or discouraged your new account?

OW: My friends have all been pretty supportive in my account. They love to send me submissions to post because all of them think it’s a great idea. They always tell me that they leave my page feeling hungry!

MDO: Do you have any plans for the account in the future or what are you hoping for?

OW: Basically I plan on continuing what I’ve been doing and I’m hoping that I’ll get a lot more followers and become a famous foodstagram account!

Best of luck to Olivia on her new Instagram! If you want to submit a photo of delicious foods please send it to Olivia Waresk! Let’s also increase her number of followers and follow her account @nugsoverdrugs