Founded in 1986 and the nation’s oldest simulation conference, Harvard Model Congress is the largest congressional simulation conference in the world. It is run by undergraduates at Harvard College and it is dedicated to teaching and inspiring upcoming generations. The organization intends to develop a supportive environment for students taking on complex issues.
Regardless of location, students have the opportunity to gain experience in simulating debates, caucuses, trials, press conferences, testimonies, and crises. The selection of students depends on their interest in the American government and their commitment to civic engagement. One of HMC’s faculty advisors mentioned that “Through the conference, students begin to connect academics with the world around them and, most importantly, begin to get involved and understand the role they can play in changing the world for the better.”
On February 20-23 2025, Harvard Model Congress held its program in Boston, their main location. Madison High School had the privilege of taking 32 students to this event alongside two staff members. The selection of students depended on having a good standing/reputation among staff members, luck of the draw, and submitting the application for the trip within the deadline. In Boston, there are 39 committees, which means there is a 9:1 delegate-to-staffer ratio, 20+ states represented, 1500 delegates, 250+ awarded scholarships, and all in a 1 world-class city. This conference stands out to high schools all over the country, as it is one of the only conferences that allows students to assume the role of real-life congressmen, senators, and members of the government.
On March 14-17 2025, another Harvard Model Congress event, known as HMC Europe, was held in Brussels, Belgium. This was their 38th annual conference. Any student from Madison High School who had attended the Boston conference for two years had the chance to apply for the trip. The student selection was capped at ten people and it would have been a more rigorous process if the school received more applicants. Although Madison Education Foundation funded a portion of the event, students paid a flat fee to cover flights, hotel rooms, and conference registration.
At this event, staff member Mr.Bernich and principal Mr.Drechsel attended the conference. Student attendee, Max Bauman, said “The experience in Europe is more culturally diverse and allows us to interact with these cultures that we may not be exposed to in the United States”. Both Harvard Model Congress and Madison highly value building networks across the country where students can form connections and Madison High School takes pride in teaming up with the organization in these efforts.