I’ll be home for Christmas… or not

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For many across the country, staying home or with family is an important tradition for Christmas. But the holiday also falls in the middle of winter break which is a popular time for travel. So what do most families decide to do? Is it a problem to decide between tradition and relaxation?
According to Reuters, “roughly 107.3 million Americans” leave their homes during what is winter break for school-aged children as well as college students, leaving airports and highways as busy as ever. Even with the ever-rising gas prices, many Americans choose to drive to their destination and those who fly only make up 5.9% of the traveling population each holiday season. For six years in a row, the number of Americans who choose to travel have been a record high each and every year with no peak in sight. It would seem that the Christmas tree and promise of baked Christmas cookies has lost its appeal to many across the country.
Madison Dodger Online interviewed a student at MHS about their preferences for the holiday. The student said that their family does not normally travel over the holiday break. When asked to elaborate on their feelings about staying home versus traveling during Christmas, they showed favoritism towards tradition, contrary to millions of Americans. They claimed that Christmas and other holidays are “about coming together with family” and believe when traveling, “an element can be lost” to the heart and soul of the holiday season. Though hoards of people across the country like to travel during Christmas and other winter holidays, it is clear that some still hold the tradition of family and home close to their heart when it comes to the holiday season.
More to come as this holiday season begins to shape up and the beginning of winter break starts for many.
Renshaw, Jarrett. “Record Number of Americans to Travel during Christmas Holiday: AAA.” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 14 Dec. 2017, www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-christmas-travel/record-number-of-americans-to-travel-during-christmas-holiday-aaa-idUSKBN1E823F.