Thoughts from a Second Semester Senior

Seniors hard at work
It’s that time of year again. The time of half finished assignments, and trying to decide whether homework is really worth it or not. Second semester seniors suffer from a condition known as senioritis. I myself am such a victim of senioritis, evidenced by my writing this article during the period it’s due. MDO has created a list of some of the symptoms of second semester seniors suffering from this condition.
Disclaimer: This doesn’t apply to everyone; at least one of us is still motivated
- Staring at a blank google doc for ten minutes and then closing the computer
- Deciding that finishing the reading guide just isn’t worth the points
- Going to sleep at 3am
- Going to sleep at 3pm
- Copy and Paste and Wikipedia have moved to the top of your best friend list
- Finding yourself staring at your hair instead of writing your essay
- Not being able to spell anything, literally nothing
- Reading absolutely none of your english books
- Refusing to capitalize anything, including your name
- Putting the work in to find out which classes require the least amount of work
- Falling asleep during class no matter what’s happening
- Playing with your water bottle
- Playing with anything you can get your hands on
- Wondering whether it’s worth it to go back to school after lunch
- Calculating how much your grade will drop if you don’t do that assignment
- Going to bed in sweatpants, then getting up and going to school in the same sweat pants
- Wearing nothing but college apparel
- Not bringing your backpack to school
- Hearing those golden words “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” from literally every adult in your life
- Never charging your chromebook. Ever. Seriously it’s been dead since October
- Realizing you spent your paycheck on McDonald’s
- Worrying about prom
- Worrying about graduation
- Worrying about prom some more
- Using group chats for homework help, only to realize no one in the group actually did it
- Giving yourself less and less time to get back from senior privilege
- Seeing if people notice you’ve worn the same sweatshirt for a week
- Hoping “past you” left gym clothes somewhere because “present you” forgot yours
- Doing literally anything you can to avoid doing work
- Having PTSD flashbacks when people ask how your college search is going
- Forgetting whether or not you did work, and really not caring either way
- Sleeping through your alarm, giving up, and having your mom call you in
- Only having enough motivation for fifteen minutes of work, all day
- Having no idea how long your hair actually is because it’s been in a bun for a month
- Not coming to school because your favorite pair of pants are dirty
- Using all 9 of your absences.
- Wondering where the snow days went
- Playing eight ball all period
- Playing hangman when your phone gets taken away
- Making the most out of your senior year, no matter what that may mean
Happy senior year MHS!