Day of Service: A Recap with Mrs Prill
The MDO crew ft. freshmen at the Community Soup Kitchen on the Day of Service.
The Day of Service at MHS is a day dedicated to getting high school students more involved in their community by performing local volunteer projects. Each year the majority of the MHS student body takes part in the Day of Service and gives back to our community.
This year some Madison Dodger Online (MDO) staff and several other students went to the Community Soup Kitchen & Outreach Center in Morristown for our Day of Service Project.
At the soup kitchen it costs $2,500 to serve one noon-time meal to all of the guests. MDO decided that it would give a monetary donation in addition to our services. We raised money at a bake sale after school and through a candy raffle. Although we did not raise nearly enough to provide lunch for all of the guests, our donation was still extremely helpful. With our donation the soup kitchen can provide lunch and supportive services, like counselors and social workers, for about 40 working poor and homeless people. Check out the slideshow below for some of the MDO staffers in action!
Mrs. Prill is the Service Learning Coordinator at MHS and she leads the Day of Service each year.We asked her a few questions about the Day of Service:
MDO: What are the highlights of this years Day of Service?
Mrs. Prill: This year the Girls Basketball team worked with students at the Cerebral Palsy of NJ school and did a basketball workshop with them. The Girls Soccer team collected for the NJ Battered Women shelter and provided a huge donation for them. We also collected $500 for the seeing eye through the ice cream toppings at the ice cream social after school. The Boys Hockey team worked at Madison Community House Nursery School and did a field day with them.
Overall, Day of Service was a success.
MDO: How might things change next year and in the future?
Mrs. Prill: I will not be running the program anymore. I am teaching another class next year so I cannot devote enough time to my classes and to the Day of Service. Therefore, I think there might be a lot of changes depending on who takes over.
MDO: How many different projects were there this year? How many students participated overall?
Mrs. Prill: There was 50 different projects and we had approximately 650 underclassmen and 50 seniors. Since the seniors do not have to participate in the Day of Service it was really exciting to have that many volunteer.
MDO: Anything you would like to add?
Mrs. Prill: I am really sad that I will not be running the Day of Service again next year because I would if I could.
If you are a MHS student and are looking for more volunteer opportunities visit the MHS webpage community service tab at
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