Come to the Coffeehouse this Saturday!
Tyler Simeone will be at the coffeehouse. Will you?
This Saturday April 18th, there will be another Glyphs Coffeehouse from 6:30 to 9:30 again at Short Stories in downtown Madison. A Glyphs Coffeehouse is a combination of performances of stories, songs, poems, and anything artists have created throughout the year and want to share to their peers. Since all the rest of the coffeehouses have been so successful this year, the MHS Glyphs is hoping to keep up the success on Saturday.
MDO interviewed a fellow MDO writer and Editor-in-Chief of Glyphs Audrey Rowland to find out why people should attend the coffeehouse this Saturday.
MDO: Can you tell us about some of the performances this Saturday?
AR: There’s a mix of people performing on Saturday! There are some people who’ve performed before, like Michael Bennett and Joanna Lopez, and there’s a lot of new acts I’m really excited about. 1% Milk, one of the new bands at MHS, is going to perform, and there are rumors that Ms. Bergen will sing or do an interpretive dance. It’s a surprise.
MDO: What is going to be different about this coffeehouse?
AR: Well, the interpretive dancing will be new. There’s also a chance that Beyonce might be there.
MDO: Is this the last one of the year, or are there more coffeehouses to attend?
AR: There’s one more coffeehouse after this! We’ll be selling the Glyphs magazine at that coffeehouse, so that’s exciting. Everyone will get to see what we’ve been working towards all year; it’ll be really rewarding to see all the stories, poems, photos, and drawings put together in one book. If the weather holds up, we’re hoping that the last coffeehouse can be held outdoors.
MDO: How successful was the last coffeehouse and what do you think will happen this Saturday?
AR: The last coffeehouse was really successful! We charged $5 admission, and we raised about $350. People were talking and laughing; it was a really low-key environment and everyone had fun. There was also a ton of good food, which is always nice.
Judging by Audrey’s comments, this coffeehouse will be the place everyone should be Saturday night!