NHS Plants Seeds of Change
Photos from past SWAG Project outreaches.
This week, the National Honors Society is running the first part of their three-leg fundraiser in support of the South Ward Agri Garden (SWAG) Project. The SWAG Project aims to create sustainable communities and food sources through outreach and community efforts. Aiming to raise awareness about the project, its goals, and its significance in our community, NHS students will be manning an information booth each night of the musical. Videos and flyers will be presented along with the opportunity to buy bags of seeds in support of the project.
The second and third legs of NHS’s efforts will come to fruition in early May and conclude with the Day of Service. Their goal is to sell clay pots to Kirby center students and inform parents of the cause so that the children can participate in planting a garden on the Day of Service. While the youngest Madison generation is planting their garden, high school students will be bused over to Newark, the SWAG Project headquarters, to assist in working in the main garden.
The ultimate goal of this project is to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable communities in a landscape with depleting resources. Be on the lookout this week for more information from NHS and get ready to plant some seeds of change!