This Thursday, May 22nd, Project Aware hosted the third annual Earth Fest. Students were encouraged to walk or bike to school in the morning and received a free breakfast if they participated. Project Aware also encouraged the whole school to wear tie-dye in honor of the day. At lunchtime, underclassmen and upperclassmen alike were initially allowed to eat lunch on the lawn, and listen to two MHS bands, unfortunately the rain prevented the outdoor activities.
Last year, over 80 students biked or walked to school. Mr. Blackman, Mrs. Rawding, Mrs. Berstein, and Mr. Maseker are just a few of the teachers that have walked or biked to school in the past during this day. A group of students even leap frogged to school a couple years ago.
Regardless of the rain, Earth Fest was a success. “If it is a sunny day, students are more inclined to hop on their bike than on a rainy day. We want as many students to participate as possible,” said Mrs. Rawding, the advisor of Project Aware. The club is disappointed about the rain on Thursday, but the day was still enjoyable.
The club has also discussed the possibility of having lunch outside once a week during the month of June. This proposal is still in the early stages of development. Many students have shown an interest in the idea so it is worth examining.