On January 5, 2024, we embarked on a journey to find the best Taylor Ham, Egg, and Cheese in the Madison area. Kyle spent his entire senior privilege driving around town picking up Taylor ham, egg, and cheese sandwiches from the three most renowned bagel places in town. He visited Bagel Nosh, Gabes Bagels, and Bagel Chateau.
The ratings were based on four criteria: Price, cheese pull, Taylor ham to egg to cheese ratio, and overall quality of the sandwich. We sat down in the main office of Madison High School and laid out our feast. Unannounced to us we would be joined by AP Stat teacher Mr. DeGennaro and Principal Mr. Drechsel.
The first store we rated was Bagel Nosh:
Jack: 6.8/10
Kyle: 7.9/10
Hendrix: 7.8/10
Mr. D: 8.2/10
Principal D: 8.1/10
The price of the sandwich at Bagel Nosh was $8.28, a very steep price for a breakfast sandwich. The high price absolutely factored into our rankings and gave it no chance for a perfect 10/10. Our first impression of the sandwich was the cheese pull, which was very disappointing. However, looking past the pull we saw a great Taylor ham to egg to cheese ratio. We were given an abundant amount of meat with a fantastic amount of egg and cheese. Moving on to the taste, while the bagel wasn’t fresh the flavor was exquisite. Overall, the Bagel Nosh sandwich was our favorite because of the ratio and the taste. The price was difficult to look at but it was absolutely worth it.
The next store is Gabe’s Bagels:
Jack: 7.4/10
Kyle: 6.5/10
Hendrix: 6.55/10
Mr. D: 7/10
Principal D: 6.6/10
The price of this sandwich was in the middle of the other two. A Taylor ham, egg, and cheese from Gabe’s Bagels costs $7.50. In our taste testing we discovered that this price may be a little too high for its quality. Although it did have the best cheese pull of the three, it did not stand out in other attributes. The bagel seemed soggy and the overall looks of the sandwich were nothing to brag about. With that being said, the sandwich did have a very good taste and a solid ratio of taylor ham to egg to cheese. Out of the three sandwiches, Gabe’s was voted last by a small margin.

Our final store was Bagel Chateau:
Jack: 6.2/10
Kyle: 6.7/10
Hendrix: 6/10
Mr. D: 7.1/10
Principal D: 7/10
To get your hands on a Bagel Chateau taylor ham, egg, and cheese will cost you the low price of $6.13. The lowest price of the three we tried. When we opened up the bagel the cheese pull was nothing exciting, and we noticed that it was much smaller than the other two. Putting those two attributes aside, the sandwich had a good ratio and good taste. The one complaint we had for the Bagel Chateau sandwich was the lack of melting the cheese. At the end of the day, for $6.13 this sandwich is exactly what you are paying for. It came in at number two on our overall rankings.
After each having tried a piece from each sandwich, the group came to a consensus that Bagel Nosh makes the best Taylor ham, egg, and cheese out of the three. The bagel, ratio, and taste were far superior to all the other sandwiches and despite the high price we still ranked it highest.
Final Ranking: 1. Bagel Nosh 2. Bagel Chateau 3. Gabe’s Bagels.