Bringing it Home at Homecoming

After years without a homecoming, the student body finally brought it back to Madison High School. After a few short weeks of work, our school’s homecoming committees pieced it all together for one successful night. From prepping the gym to the long clean-up after, the execution was nothing below perfection.
On August 30, just the second day of school, both the class council and student council started prepping for homecoming, divvying up the work, and forming separate sub-committees that each had distinct roles in the long planning process. The theme committee, consisting of juniors Ava Strauss, Phoebe Stern, Maggie Kim, Ava Haralampoudis, and Meer Bhavsar, not only picked the theme and chose the food but was also tasked with handling the decorations. Meeting every day, they worked and decided on what was absolutely necessary for homecoming and what areas could be compromised on.
Despite the many hours of work put into organizing the dance, there were still many obstacles that had to be overcome while planning. To begin, the members of the student council and class council had to overcome the stigma surrounding a homecoming dance. With many people initially thinking that it would be like middle school all over again, it was a hard fight to convince them that this time, it was going to be different. Once the communities got past that, they had to make sure that they were able to execute their plans and, after looking through lists upon lists of amazon carts, were able to pick and order all the supplies they needed within just two committee meetings. The final obstacle was attendance. They worried that not enough people would go to the dance to again make this a tradition at Madison High School. Thankfully, their expectations were far exceeded, with 592 people attending the dance.
Finally, the day came September 30, the moment of truth. Set up started at 2:00, and with many volunteers eager to help, setting up was a breeze. 4:30 rolled around and it was time to get ready for the dance, with people rushing home from sports practices, excited for the night of events. Then it was time, 6:30, the start of the dance, and it was just perfect. The neon lights and the tulle hanging from the ceiling, the DJ, the photo booth, and even the hallway lit by string lights. It all came together perfectly. All the hard work and dedication finally paid off.
The night was beyond flawless, and it seems safe to consider this a new tradition at Madison High School!