Dogs of Madison: Meet Scout!

Meet Scout!
Scout is a miniature pinscher that happily resides in Madison, and is an extremely good dog that is loved by many. Madison Dodger Online got to talk to Scout’s owner, Nicole Duffy, a senior at Madison High School, who happily shared the life of Scout thus far, and the characteristics that make Scout the good dog that she is.
Scout is an adopted dog that was initially bought by the Duffy’s neighbors. However, Scout had a real connection with the the Duffy family, and their other dog, Tiki. With her determination and will power, Scout made it clear that she felt a real connection to the Duffy household. The Duffy’s then became the primary caretakers for Scout a short while after she was adopted by the neighbors.
According to Duffy, “Scout is one of the sweetest dogs out there. Vets are always surprised with her gentle and kind ways, primarily because that specific type of dog is usually found to be snippy and aggressive.”
Scout has had to visit the vet quite frequently, as being diagnosed with severe diabetes. This has lead to her almost complete blindness. Despite running into a lot of walls, and sometimes becoming very lost even within her own home, she still continues to be an extremely good dog. Duffy exclaimed that Scout loves to sit and watch Netflix, sit outside in the sun, and go for walks in the park. Recently, she has been diagnosed with Cushing’s disease. With this new revelation, doctors believe that this could be the cause of Scout’s rejection of insulin. With a new treatment for the disease, her diabetes should be able to be maintained much easier.
Scout is an all around loving dog, and very special in many ways. Some of her favorite foods include spinach, whipped cream, lettuce, ritz crackers, mashed potatoes, and graham crackers. She loves to be cuddled in the mornings as well as when watching television. One fun fact about Scout is that she is terrified when people open packages, and will run away very quickly!
Scout and Tiki are extremely important members of the Duffy family, and are treated with the most amount of love a family can provide. Through their love, Duffy has also realized that both dogs are both extremely photogenic. A instagram account, under the name of @tiki_plus_scout, is used to showcase the lovingness and beauty of the two dogs.