Donald, Will You Be My Valentine?
More stories from Dominic Smith
A smiling Donald Trump.
With that time of year coming back around when love is in the air, one must wonder, do people love The Donald? Donald Trump is currently the president of the United States. I’ve decided to see how people feel about the man himself. Donald is somewhat of a controversial figure. Some people have complete admiration for The Donald. Others, really, really, are not fans. So being that it is the time for love and positivity, MDO decided to see what are the people’s most loved part of The Donald.
The first discussion was with MDO’s own Michael Preston (MP). The man has published many articles discussing Donald Trump, and policies he has passed. The man is a political connoisseur and also a Donald connoisseur. So, let’s take this guy, who looks at Donald from a point of research and raw facts, and let’s see what he most loves about The Donald.
MDO: Michael Preston. What is your most loved part of The Donald?
MP: Probably how aggressive he is. I feel like as extreme as it is, it is one of his best qualities.
My second discussion was with Madeline McNamara, another MDO journalist. She had an interesting opinion on The Donald from a physical standpoint.
MDO: Madeline, what is something that you love about The Donald?
MN: I like his hair.
Now normally, we here at MDO like to keep things as unbiased as possible. We try to keep controversial views out of our articles. But here you can clearly see Madeline is one of our more radical reporters. She is someone who really pounds the pavement, and gets into the nitty gritty of some of the most controversial stories on MDO.
The following collection of statements were collected while interviewing students inside the MHS cafeteria. While many of those interviewed saw Donald Trump is a less that positive light, it can be said with confidence that all of them managed to say something positive about the man.
Jack Beaman: Um… This is tough cause there’s a lot I hate. I guess the entertainment he provides from his less educational tweets.
Sofia Crucs: That he’s honest.
Noor Alhusseini: That he’s the greatest at being sh**ty.
Emma Voorhees: You always know what he’s thinking, I guess.
Terra Tevald: The fact that he probably won’t last much longer.
Ava Cozzolino: Commitment to the military and his support for the military.
Halle Wright: He’s pretty… interesting. His tweets are quite… interesting. He’s got a good twitter.
Matt Bradley: That’s a tough one, but he speaks his mind a lot. But at the same time, he could refine some of his language.
So, there are the statements. Many of the students interviewed were forced to begrudgingly say something they loved about Donald Trump. A few were quicker to speak than others, but it’s understandable why they were. I mean, the man is president. No matter what, people will be divided over who’s in office. But, the important thing to take away from these short interviews is that the reality is that Donald Trump is going to be around at least until 2020. So, in the meantime, you might as well find something about him that you like, and there’s no better time to go soul searching through The Donald’s spirit than on Valentine’s Day.