Prom Updates 2017
Ballgown style prom dresses
The 2018 prom will be held on May 31st at the Valley Regency in Montclair, with tickets going on sale in April. MDO spoke with various seniors who have been fundraising and organizing next year’s prom since sophomore year to discuss how preparation has been coming along and opinions about the various aspects of prom season.
According to current senior class council members, there has never been much of a theme for Madison proms, but the upcoming one’s decorations are skyline and star related. Some exciting news is that the venue is different than the one MHS chose for the past two proms, so there will be room to dance in a more spacious area. As of right now, the class council is not at liberty to discuss what the ballpark price for tickets will be or how much the 2018 class has raised for prom, but they can disclose that the amount fundraised is significantly higher than in past years. The 2018 senior prom will be including features like a candy bar, lights, and a DJ as well.
In regards to prom season as a whole, seniors typically agree that people get into “prom mode” once the second semester begins. With college applications out of the way, most of the senior class will be hearing from colleges at the start of 2018. Seniors are generally less stressed about schoolwork after winter break and have more time to focus on events like prom, the banquet, and graduation.
“I predict that promposal season will begin in mid-February to March. I’m really going to start looking for dresses in January, that’s when I will go to stores and try them on. Most girls will probably start around February,” says senior Loryn Camp.
In contrast, senior Suzette Oleson believes that prom season begins much sooner than February, because it is an exciting time that people enjoy participating in. “I think prom season will probably start when we come back from the Holiday break, because Promgirl always has a big sale right after New Years. Prom dresses will start then but promposals and tux shopping are usually done like the week before haha,” says senior and student body president Suzette Oleson.
Senior Natalie Azzolini concurs with Suzette about prom season taking off after Christmas. “Most girls probably start looking after Christmas break, because prom becomes the focus in the second semester,” says Natalie.
Senior Michael Quinn offers up a guy’s perspective on prom. “Promposals should be done the earliest in late March. Man, I got my tux last year for both proms I went to three days before and then I got the corsage the day of. Very classy and prepared I guess you could say most guys are,” says senior Michael Quinn.
No matter when people begin promposing, shopping for dresses, or scheduling appointments for hair and makeup, prom is always an exciting time for Madison’s seniors!