A Hero in the London Bridge Attack
Police stand guard after London attack
As if the trend of UK terror attacks couldn’t get worse over the course of the past few weeks, the European terror attacks continue with the attacks with the knife rampage across the London Bridge. Reports confirm that eight were killed in the attack and around 48 were injured. Among all the brave police officers that responded and fought in the attack, one stood out among the rest, and ironically he remains anonymous.
This off-duty BTP officer was apparently one of the first to the scene when the alarm was sounded. Being alone in the attack, he confronted the attackers in the midst of the chaos, wielding nothing but his baton, fighting tooth and nail against the knife-wielding terrorists. The officer reportedly even “rugby tackled” one of the terrorists to overpower him. This fight came at a high cost to the officer; he received several stab wounds to the face, as well as to the head and leg, but yet his fight continued until his reinforcements arrived eight minutes later, BTP officers fired and killed the attackers. This lone policemen’s unparallelled bravery has been praised highly by Chief Constable Paul Crowther.
Crowther stated that the officer “showed enormous courage” in the face of danger. This anonymous hero was among three other critically injured officers and has been wished “a swift recovery” by his colleagues for his exemplary action against the unknowing danger. The city police, as well as the rest of the country, mourn for the eight lives that were lost as a result of the attack. Around 130 British imams have refused to even bury the attackers for their egregious actions, and want no association with the type of violence that this group invokes. This marks another gruesome attack from the Islamic extremist group ISIS, but hopefully this hero’s courage will provide hope and send the message that acts of terror will not be tolerated.