Ten Things I Learned Senior Year of High School

Senior class board
- No matter how much you think you know, there is always more to know about college.
- Even if you think you want to go far for college, apply to at least some colleges that are close, because when it all comes down to the wire, you might not want to leave.
- You don’t actually need to worry about college until you’re a junior.
- No matter what anyone says, senior year is absolutely stressful, both semesters, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying it – it’s still a fantastic time.
- Senior privilege is a glorious thing and should be guarded with your life – you will never want to go without it .
- Go out to lunch with your friends – when the year is over you will miss them.
- Take classes you’ll enjoy – don’t worry about credits until you need to; take the classes you love; otherwise you’ll regret it.
- Do your homework – you don’t realize just how much it saves your grade until you get to the end of the marking period.
- There is nothing more satisfying than being exempt from the final exam – so do your work.
- Enjoy your year. This is the last year of being a kid, of living with your parents and walking into town with your friends. The last year of being home for everyone’s birthday, and going to the diner with the friends you’ve had since kindergarten. The last year of seeing your first grade teacher at Stop n Shop, or seeing your friends at Panera at lunch. This is the last year of your childhood, and now you’re moving on. It’s not a bad thing, but don’t forget it, don’t let yourself lose the years you spent making friends and learning how the world works. Don’t forget friday night football games or pep rallies or even final exams. Don’t forget any of it, because you’ll never get to do it again.