Sea World’s Last Generation of Orcas
SeaWorld Promises that this will be the last generation of killer whales
Orcas will no longer be forced to perform tricks for spectators.
The killer whales that are currently at SeaWorld will be the last generation of the mammals that will be kept at the water parks. SeaWorld has been under fire for its oppressive treatment of killer whales since 2013 when the documentary ¨Blackfish¨ was released. The film talked about one specific killer whale, Tilikum, who has been involved in the deaths of three people, including a SeaWorld trainer named Dawn Brancheau back in 2010. Recently, reports have surfaced that Tilikum may be on his last limbs. He is estimated to be around 35 years old.
SeaWorld says the orcas will continue to live at SeaWorld for many years to come until this generation has passed, ¨inspiring guests in new and natural ways¨ the company said. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) say that SeaWorld has not gone far enough with this gesture to appease the people who oppose the company. PETA says that while this is a positive move in the right direction, that for SeaWorld to truly do right by the orcas, dolphins, beluga whales, and seals, that they must open the tanks to ocean sanctuaries so that the animals that have been suffering for so long can get some semblance of a life outside of their ¨prison tanks¨.
In a letter to the Los Angeles Times, Joel Manby, the president and CEO of SeaWorld said that many of the customers that come to SeaWorld are changing and most of them are against orcas being in human care. He also announced that the company is partnering with the Humane Society of the United State to advocate for ocean wildlife protection. SeaWorld definitely was crushed under the pressure put on them from wildlife activists around the world and soon, hopefully, no animals of high intelligence will be confined to small tanks, a life not fit for wild animals.
Chelsea • Mar 20, 2016 at 9:14 pm
This was interesting to read. I always heard complaints about SeaWorld, but never researched any details or anything. It was interesting to hear that the park is starting to attract people who are against human care of orcas. It seems like SeaWorld is trying to change, under all the pressure being put on them. It’s hard to please everyone while staying in business as the type of company they are.