15 things you could buy instead of Mariah Carey’s engagement ring
This is what a ten million dollar ring looks like
This January, James Packer, one of the richest men in Australia, proposed to singer Mariah Carey with a $10,000,000 ring. This ring is one of the most expensive engagement rings ever purchased with a diamond that reached Carey’s knuckle. So, aside from buying a ring that’s as bright as Mariah Carey’s smile, what else could you do with $10,000,000?
- Pay for 305 years of college or 4 years of college for 77 students.
- Buy 7,751,938 songs on iTunes.
- Sponsor 21,929 impoverished children in Africa for one year.
- Give every homeless person in America $16.
- Buy 1,250,000 burritos at chipotle.
- Buy 2,500 engagement rings.
- Buy 30,303,030 replays on snapchat.
- Apply to 200,000 colleges.
- Buy 714,285 bottles of the Kylie Jenner lip kit.
- Pay for 104,166 years of Netflix.
- Buy 40,000,000 gum balls.
- Buy 3,000,000 grande vanilla chai tea lattes at Starbucks.
- Get 285,714 mani pedis.
- Buy 50,000 iPhone 6s.
- Buy 33,333 hover boards.
So ask yourself, would you want a ring reaching your knuckles, or 1,250,000 burritos.
Chelsea • Mar 20, 2016 at 8:59 pm
Wow. I didn’t even know she was engaged to James Packer, let alone that he bought her that expensive of a ring. It was so interesting to see how much that ring is worth in other things. I was most surprised that you could give $16 to EVERY homeless person in America.
Rae Crescas • Feb 7, 2016 at 12:28 am
I would buy the burritos.
Whitney Xu • Feb 6, 2016 at 12:30 pm
There is no contest 1.25 million burritos always wins