Staff Picks: Week of January 26th

Joe Jonas wishes that he could take the East Coast by storm.
Every other weekend, MDO staff picks articles of interest to share with our readership. These articles range from serious political issues to updates on celebrity life and everything in between. We hope you enjoy these further readings!
This Monday, Obama announced that he will be banning solitary confinement in juvenile offenders in the federal prison system. Obama argues that ¨the practice is overused and the potential for devastating psychological consequences.”
The water in Flint, Michigan has contaminated, and the town’s residents have only recently been enlightened.
Harvard possibly changing their admission processes for upcoming freshmen.
On early Friday morning three California inmates escaped by sawing through a metal grate and tying bed sheets together to create a rope they could climb down on. The guards didn’t realize the inmates were gone until 16 hours after the escape and federal authorities are offering a $50,000 reward for anyone who has information regarding the escapees.
Back to the wild west. Armed ranchers in Oregon have taken over federal land in protest of two fellow farmers who were thrown in jail. The group is occupying part of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns trying to get their land back.
On Saturday, sources cited that previous New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is seriously considering a possible run for the presidency of the united states. Sources say that Bloomberg finds both the Republican and Democrat races are becoming far too polarized and do not reflect his views; he plans on running as independently.
Gunfire was reported on Tuesday morning at the San Diego Naval Medical Center. However, upon further investigation, “absolutely nothing” was found to substantiate the claim. Though inconclusive, this incident makes us more aware of the fickleness of human condition.
The American Museum of Natural History has replaced its Diplodocus statue with the skeleton of Argentinosaurus, the current confirmed world’s largest dinosaur. A television special narrated by David Attenborough kicked off its launch, detailing its discovery and construction.
American scientists have been working tirelessly to determine the risk that the Zika Virus, which plagues many South American countries, poses to the United States. Their findings are somewhat concerning…
Danish lawmakers voted Tuesday in favor of controversial legislation empowering authorities to seize cash and valuables from asylum seekers to help cover their expenses.
Due to the lack of color in the nominations, many celebrities are boycotting the 2016 Oscars.
Broadway closed all of their matinees and evening shows this past Saturday, January 23rd, due to the snowstorm. Shows reopened on Sunday.
Recently the internet has become obsessed with a cat that resembles one of the actors from Star Wars. The cat is named Kylo, after the character that he looks like.
“The Reverent” wins the Golden Globe for best dramatic film, as well as winning awards in other categories. Read the article to find out more about the Golden Globes.
This past weekend, Winter Storm Jonas dumped up to 40’’ in the East Coast and caused Washington D.C. to shut down.