Under the Sea: MHS’s School Musical
School Script of The Little Mermaid
It is officially musical season here at Madison High School! This year’s musical is The Little Mermaid, based on the beloved Disney animated cartoon of the same name. The story follows the heroine, a mermaid named Ariel, and her struggle to become human. This year, the part of Ariel will be played by senior Morgan Sanchez. Other roles include Ariel’s love interest, the human Prince Eric, played by junior Ransom Silliman, and the famous villain of the musical, Ursula, played by senior Grace McCulloch.
“We had our first rehearsal yesterday and I had chills the entire time because they sounded so amazing,” says director Caryn Elefante, who is now directing her eleventh musical at Madison High School. “Being that this is our first Disney musical that we are producing, I know it is going to be one to remember.” Mrs. Elefante is also the chorus, dance, and theatre teacher here at MHS, and the advisor for MadJazz, the Jazz chorus.
“I’m really excited because it’s the biggest cast we’ve had yet, which is awesome,” says Emma Schuszler, a sophomore, who is playing Arista in the show. “Also, The Little Mermaid is such an amazing show. I think it’s going to turn out great!”
“I think it’s going to be a lot of fun because of the hard work and dedication of every single person in this cast,” says Jaron Cole, freshman, when asked about his expectations for his very first MHS musical. “Mrs. Elefante cares about every single person in the cast. And everyone has so much fun together!” Jaron will be playing Sebastian in the production.
In December, the theatre department ran a young performer’s workshop for The Little Mermaid. Around 30 kids were in attendance, and they learned a dance to the first and second verse of the familiar song “Under The Sea”. It was a successful day and it was a lot of fun.
On January 10th, there will be a pancake breakfast, complete with a meet and greet and photo opportunity with characters, to raise money for the show. A buffet style breakfast is cooked to perfection. This event will take place at the Elk’s Club of Madison and it is not to be missed. It is a fun morning filled with music and it is a nice sneak peek at the high energy of The Little Mermaid.
To see daily updates of rehearsals and notices about future events, follow the official page for MHS’s production of The Little Mermaid, @lilmerm2k16 on Instagram.