Chatham Being Breathalyzed
Soon to be a typical sight at Chatham’s school sponsored events.
In the world of controversy, teenage drinking is huge. Schools have taken extreme precaution to ensure that students do not drink before school sponsored events. However, at what point are these “precautions” taken too far?
Chatham High School in Chatham New Jersey has recently voted to have random breathalyzer tests during school sponsored events such as: dances, football games, etc. This is not the first time the students of CHS have seen a policy similar to this. A policy of breathalyzing every student has been in effect since 2008, though not enforced. Even though the policy is quite harsh, Chatham has had multiple incidents with students being under the influence in recent years.
MDO asked multiple students and teachers about their thoughts if Madison chose to accept this policy. The majority of the students said that the school should “trust their students” or that it should not be used unless the student was suspicious. Other students claimed that it was a “violation of our sovereignty” or that it is just plainly “dumb”. Few students in fact said that it made sense, with one explaining that “it is in fact the school’s job to make sure that we’re being safe as possible”. On the other hand, the teachers thought it was a very good idea, with one teacher explaining that “if that’s the culture then it’s a good way to explain that it’s not okay”. One teacher went as far to explain that it [the new policy] could feel accusatory, causing push back, but that if they breathalyze everyone, it will not be accusatory. They also stated that the school is choosing safety and liability, however, having the students randomly breathalyzed could create vindictiveness between them.
Even though this decision is currently causing significant pushback from students, ultimately, the safety of the students should be the most important.