Trump Used for Terrorist Recruitment
Al-Shabaab uses Trump’s words in an unexpected fashion
Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that he detests the violent actions of Muslim extremists, to such an extent that all Muslims have fallen under the scope of his accusations. In an ironic twist of fate, however, the Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist organization, Al-Shabaab, has taken Trump’s conceivably racist words, and used them as a call to action. In one of the group’s recent recruitment videos, the presidential candidate is seen being showered with applause while declaring that the US should terminate all Muslim immigration into the country.
The video is attempting to demonstrate that America is a racist society, and that Muslims living here will soon be persecuted unless they act out in violence. This statement is supported with recounts of the US’ slaveholding roots, and clips of police brutality against blacks, insisting that the Muslim population will inevitably face similar terrors. Trump’s sentiments also advance the extremist mindset that the West is at war with Islam, and that those desiring salvation must take up arms.
The discovery of this video partially substantiates Hillary Clinton’s controversial claim that Trump has become “ISIS’ best recruiter”, through their use of his speeches. Many were outraged at this statement, as no evidence was able to be found of its truth; however, Trump-sympathizers now find themselves on the defense at the realization that while ISIS may not be using him as a propaganda tool, another extremist organization is. The only direct response Trump gave to the news of his appearance in such a video was, “They use other people, too. What am I going to do? I have to say what I have to say.”
This statement capitalized on by Al-Shabaab is hardly the first anti-Islam rhetoric to come from Trump’s loose lips. Over the course of his attempt to obtain political popularity, he has expressed that he is in favor of creating a national registry of Muslims, and a system to keep surveillance over mosques around the country.
While this occurrence shows the frightening power of the unintended consequences associated with statements as extreme as Trump’s, government officials ensure it will be made clear that the US is at war with terrorism, not with Islam.