Kudzoo App
Screenshot of the kudzoo app
Kudzoo. What exactly is it? On one hand there is Kudzu, which is a serious invasive plant in the United States that has been spreading in the South.
Well, in this case we aren’t talking about the plant, but rather the app. Spelled differently from the plant, Kudzoo is a free app for students, which gives deals, coupons, and other opportunities as rewards for students’ grades. Essentially, the creator’s work with schools and businesses to allow students to get paid for their grades. The goal of the app is to improve student engagement.
Students earn Kudzoo Cash based on grades, attendance, grade improvement, and correct answers for daily trivia and SAT questions. Kudzoo keeps track of your grades by allowing students to scan their report card every marking period.
Students can use Kudzoo Cash to redeem deals and giveaways with companies such as Target, GameStop, Nike, Apple, and many more.
But Kudzoo isn’t just for students in high school, students college and middle school (who are 13 years or older) can use the app. To begin earning cash all you have to do is setup an account and follow the simple directions of how to upload your report card. Before grades are uploaded, students must accept the Student Pledge of Authenticity to ensure that they are uploading their own grades and not someone else’s.
After trying the app for myself I found that it is very easy to earn Kudzoo Cash and get rewards. There are daily challenges which are timed and consist of a few trivia questions. Points are awarded depending on how quickly the question is answered. If the question is answered incorrectly there is is no point gain, but no penalty.
Kudzoo is free and is available in the Apple App store and the Google Play store.
Isabel Brownlee • Dec 23, 2015 at 9:06 am
Sam I would have never known about this app or the Kudzu problem in the south without you! Great article, keep bringing in that Kudzoo Cash.