Christmas Time: Woohoo!
Bring it on!
There’s no specific time a person should start preparing for Christmas, so why do so many people judge when Christmas music is played in November? If you’re like me, you start to get into the Christmas spirit the day after Halloween. Yes, this may sound crazy, but us Christmas junkees have our reasons for starting so early. First, there’s the food. Who doesn’t love a good apple pie or a hot cup of cocoa? After all, the best food does present itself during the holiday season. Every year I look forward to a big turkey dinner with my family followed by a delicious assortment of Christmas cookies. The food is so good that I completely disregard the fact that I can barely button my jeans after December.
Then there’s the Christmas music. Being a music lover, I can safely say that the storage on my phone is usually full once I’ve visited the Itunes store and downloaded every single Michael Buble Christmas song there is known to man. I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who doesn’t enjoy listening to Christmas music. I mean, every store I walk into has the famous Mariah Carey chart topper “All I want for Christmas is You” playing in the background as people are eagerly trying to get their last minute Christmas shopping done. If you think Christmas music is starting to get old, then venture out and try something new. You can’t get sick of a song that has at least 20 other versions!
One of the biggest aspects of the holiday season is the Christmas shopping. I don’t know about you, but I love buying Christmas gifts especially when they’re on sale! I know Christmas shopping can be a traumatic time as people lose the battle against the other eager shopper who grabbed the last item on your list, but the holidays aren’t about having presents under the tree. It’s about having stocking stuffers too!
Now, if there’s one thing I really do love about the Christmas season, it’s all the beautiful lights and decorations. Whenever I see a lit up tree in someone’s window, or all the pretty, twinkling lights that cover downtown Madison, it always makes me feel happy. There’s something about Christmas decorations that just make me feel like a little kid again, especially when my family and I decorate the tree together. And yes, I still get into fights with my family on which tree to buy. I’m sure the sales people at the christmas tree lot enjoy standing there in the cold watching my brother and I fight over which tree is the biggest.
Which brings me back to why celebrating christmas early shouldn’t be frowned upon. It doesn’t have to be December to get into the Christmas spirit. Christmas is about making people happy and bringing everybody closer together. It’s a time that brings out the best in people and personally I don’t think there should be start or end date for that.
Riane • Dec 23, 2015 at 9:11 am
The words “it’s never too early for Christmas” was put into words perfectly. In my house Christmas preparations are being made before our halloween costumes were even purchased. 30+ people sitting in my dining room on Christmas Eve is just too excited (or stressful) to plan a month before.