Sports Update

Setting up lights on Ted Monica Field
The colorful hallways and abnormal outfits show that spirit week is upon us, and with spirit week comes the week of lights. The week of lights is a tradition at MHS that is a spotlight for fall athletes to shine under. From September 28th to October 2nd, Ted Monica stadium will be lit up to showcase many of the fall teams. The football team will go into their Friday night game with a 1-2 record, hoping to beat the tigers of Dover. With two tough losses, captains Dom and Petar hope to get the team back on track. Girls soccer is coming out of a thrilling victory where they beat Pequannock and hope to keep the mojo flowing all the way to the county tournament. Girls Tennis hopes to power past Morristown-Beard on Wednesday, as many of the girls on the team hope to make the state singles tournament. Boys Soccer hopes to see the whole school come out and support them on Tuesday night for their game against Mountain lakes at 7 pm. The boys soccer team hopes to continue their undefeated streak. With an undefeated record, the boys soccer team will enter the Morris County tournament as a high seed against Morristown (Date TBD). Madison Field Hockey took down Voorhees, a top ranked team in the state, and hopes to keep the magic going in their race to the county finals. The cross country team led by Noah Buzinkai and Cara Smith hope learn from the lessons passed down by Doc L to race all the way to the finish line. Rounding out the crop of Fall sports is the girls volleyball team with a 5-3 record. The girls hope to see the school come and support them on senior night on october 27th.
The week of lights promises to be a very exciting week of fun filled entertainment in many forms. The more fans the more fun… So come out and support. Go Dodgers!