Teacher Feature: Carolyn McCarthy
Ms. McCarthy in her classroom
This fall, Madison High School is welcoming several new teachers and faculty members from all different departments. MDO got the chance to speak with one of the new teachers, Carolyn McCarthy. Mrs. McCarthy is a new science teacher at Madison High School this year. She teaches various junior and senior science courses.
MDO: “What classes are you teaching this year?”.
Mrs. McCarthy: “Enriched Biology, Environmental Science, and Ecology”.
MDO: “Why do you teach this subject?”.
Mrs. McCarthy: “I think that it is so important for everyone to understand how their own bodies and the world around them works”.
MDO: “What is your favorite thing about teaching?”.
Mrs. McCarthy: “I love being able to get students excited about topics in biology that I find fascinating”.
MDO: “What plans do you have for your students this year?”.
Mrs. McCarthy: “I’m excited to do some hands-on projects like building an algae farm and focusing on topics that are currently in the news like genetic engineering and climate change”.
MDO: “What do you like most so far about teaching at Madison High School?”
Mrs. McCarthy: “I love how friendly and helpful everyone here is!”.
MDO: “Did you always want to be a teacher?”.
Mrs. McCarthy: “Yes, but I thought I might want to teach younger students. Once I started teaching high school though, I realized I made the right choice.”
MDO: “Where did you go to college and what did you major in?”.
Mrs. McCarthy: “I went to Villanova University where I majored in Finance and Accounting”.
MDO: “Do you have any college advice for the seniors at MHS?”.
Mrs. McCarthy: “Don’t be afraid to choose a school where you don’t know anyone else going – you will make friends!”.
MDO also got the chance to talk to a few of Mrs. McCarthy’s new students. Senior Lauren Downs says that “even being at school for such a short amount of time, I can already tell it will be a good year with Mrs. McCarthy. I’ve been in her environmental class for two weeks and she’s already got me interested in learning about the environment and conserving the planet. She’s brought new, fun ideas into the classroom, and has made class interesting and exciting”.
Senior Melina Baez, who is also in Mrs. McCarthy’s environmental class, agrees: “…She seems to really know what she’s doing and knows how to get tasks. She also has backup plans in case something goes amiss… [she] actively tries to engage the class in friendly discussion”.
On behalf of all the students and faculty here at Madison High School, we would like to welcome Mrs. McCarthy and wish her and all the other new faculty members a good year!