Avengers: Age of Ultron Review
Avengers: Age of Ultron was a box office hit, ending its first few weekends as one of the highest-grossing films of all time.
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
This past weekend I went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron directed by Joss Whedon. The second installment in the mighty Avengers trilogy has been a huge success thus far. Three weeks after its release, it currently ranks the 8th highest grossing film of all time with $1,142,508,000. The first installment, The Avengers, currently holds the 3rd spot for highest grossing film of all time with $1,488,800,000. Avengers: Age of Ultron will most certainly surpass the mark of the first movie and continue its run as a box office success. Heading into the movie, I had heard mixed reviews from critics and friends. I was still feeling very positive about the movie and was looking forward to it.
This movie was exactly what I hoped it would be: it was full of action, captivating plot, and comedy. The movie flows very well with the comedic back and forth between the Avengers. This makes the movie constantly enjoyable because we can relate to this friendly bickering as we do with all our friends. Another enjoyable moment was when all the Avengers attempted to lift Thor’s mighty hammer. To no surprise everyone was unsuccessful until later in the movie, when an android named Vision and created by Ultron lifted the hammer. The comedy was on point, as was the action.
The action begins right out the gates when the viewer is thrown into a raid of a secret Hydra base in an Eastern European country by the Avengers. The Avengers then must battle the evil A.I. Ultron created by Tony Stark (Ironman) and Bruce Banner’s (the Hulk) hubris for a greater electronic defense system. The rest of the Avengers have to face the consequences as the now robotic form of Ultron plans to destroy all of humanity. The action continues as the Avengers hunt down Ultron to Africa where he plans on stealing vibranium to become stronger. From there, the Avengers eventually travel to Seoul to stop Ultron from creating a new body. The final battle between the Avengers and Ultron, accompanied by his robot army, takes place on the now floating land mass of Sokovia (the Eastern European country at the start of the movie). Ultron plans to drop Sokovia back on Earth when it is high enough to inflict mass extinction. The Avengers then evacuate all the civilians, defeat Ultron and save the day.
I prefered the addition of the characters Pietro Maximmoff (Quicksilver) and Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch). Both are mutants who were tested on at the Hydra base siided with Ultron to get revenge on Tony Stark, who’s weapons killed their parents. As the movie progressed, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch saw the evil behind Ultron and joined the Avengers. Quicksilver has superhuman speed and Scarlet Witch has telekinesis which are portrayed in a very cool way during the movie. Scarlet Witch is able to hypnotize most of the Avengers where they see fearful things from their past and things they fear happening in the future. The dynamic duo of the siblings work well for what the Avengers stand for in being the front line of defense for protecting the world from unearthly foes.
The all-star cast of the Avengers and tons of side characters that are from the main character’s origin movies made it enjoyable to see tied in and enrich the depth of the movie. This was another A+ movie that sets up the 2 part movie finale Avengers: Infinity War which is being released 2018 and 2019. This movie is perfect if you want to see an awesome superhero movie with comedy throughout and a compelling story about the Avengers saving the universe from Ultron and themselves.
Ben Waksman • Nov 3, 2015 at 6:40 pm
I also thought the movie was made very well, with good humor and loads of action. Ever since I have seen the movie, I have always wondered who the purple monkey looking man with the gold armor is and I was wondering if you knew? By now I have only watched the movie twice and hope to get it on DVD and watch it many more times. Thank you for making such an amazing entry/article.