Fantasy Track Update
MHS Track is a bonafide cult but we love them.
The season of spring track is upon us, and that means the second annual season of Fantasy track should be just around the corner. Fantasy Track was started last year by varsity track runner Patrick Hanley and was a huge success. The program allowed individuals to draft players from the Madison Track and Field team to build their own fantasy track team. At the end of the season whichever team had the most points won the Fantasy Track league. Last year, there would be video updates on the track Facebook page, bringing the latest times of runners on the team. This fantasy track season is highly anticipated.
Unfortunately, Matt Mutone, a senior and a captain of the boy’s track team, was put in charge of the Fantasy Track league this year. Due to the lack of planning by said student there will not be a Fantasy Track league this year. Many “trackies” are extremely disappointed with Matt and his lack of preparation for the Fantasy Track league. Hopefully, next year a more motivated and organized captain can get his act together and start up the league again.