The First Annual Madison Scavenger Hunt

This past Saturday, March 21st Madison’s First Annual  Scavenger Hunt took place around downtown Madison. Teams of up to six people raced around Madison and the local YMCA to locate Madison’s “hidden treasures.”

Applications for the race were available at the Y’s Family Center and accepted on the day of the race. A $50 registration fee per team guaranteed a spot in the race. On the actual event day check-in was from 12pm-1pm and the actual scavenger hunt was from 1-3pm. After the race, there was an awards ceremony. The awards presented at the at the ceremony were first place, second place, third place, best team name, most team spirit, and best team uniform.

Madison merchants supported the event by donating gift cards and offering discounts the day of the race. Many of the stores are offered week-long discounts to all scavenger hunt participants.

There was a large age range of people participating in the scavenger hunt, from elementary school student to adults. Many of the teams created matching costumes and t-shirts for the event. There was an extremely large turn out and the event was very successful. The town is planning to do the scavenger hunt again next year with the hope of an even larger turnout.