The Tell-Tale Signs that You’re Coming Down with Senioritis

Georgia Turvey

Good luck staying awake while dreaming about college.

With the fourth marking period approaching, many seniors are coming to terms with the senioritis that plagues them. Still others will try to deny the inevitable. For those unsure souls, here are the easiest ways to diagnose.

  1. You hit your snooze button at least five times each morning.
  2. Every other conversation you have involves either prom or prom weekend.
  3. College apparel takes up the majority of your wardrobe.
  4. You’re beginning to wonder if 18 absences are enough for you.
  5. You forgot your backpack at home.
  6. The free period you used to use for getting all your work done has become your designated time of the day to blow all of your money on junk food.
  7. You bought a new backpack…Dora’s on it.
  8. You have a single pen left.
  9. You spend an inordinate amount of time trying to think of a senior prank you will most likely never carry out.
  10. You’ve handed in ⅓ of your assignments.