Nuclear Deal with Iran
Nuclear Power Plant
Recently, the six powers of the world and Iran have been discussing the Iranian nuclear program. After months of what seemed like no progress, there seems to be an end in sight. There has been a increase in the amount of talks being held, and some negotiators have started to make a framework by the end of March and a final accord in June. This framework is not yet finalized but if it does, it would put limits on Iran’s nuclear program. This agreement would ensure that Iran is unable to quickly produce nuclear weapons. This pact would not be able to end the nuclear program because Iran claims that it needs power for generation and medical purposes. It is said that completely eradicating nuclear power from Iran would be impossible because Iran had thousands of facilities for nuclear power with some being able to withstand military attack.
Some congressmen have suggested the bombing of Iran because it would delay the nuclear program. The idea was shot down because the bombing would not eradicate it and would cause blowback which could be severe. The agreement is focused on limiting the nuclear activities of Iran, specifically the uranium enrichment for the purpose of weapons. The United States and other countries are trying to structure an agreement so they would be alerted a year prior to when Iran starts to make nuclear weapons. The idea of this agreement is to create a ten year period in which Iran’s ability to produce nuclear fuel will be limited. The lure for the Iranians in this agreement is that is that their crippled economy would receive help. If this conflict is resolved, it opens the door to discussions of other pending conflicts that could possibly be resolved.