In the Kids’ World, Women Don’t Get Hit

Domestic violence is a serious problem in the United States and plays a major role in the homicide rate.
It’s simple, right? When we were in elementary school everyone understood that you didn’t hit girls. In the video, “Slap Her”, boys ranging from ages seven to eleven teach adults the innocence we had as children. The boys introduce themselves and meet a girl about their age, Martina. They are asked what they like about her, told to caress her, and make a funny face at her until finally they are told to slap her. Only the seven year old looked as though he might, before shaking his head. None of the boys would hit her, and in response to why some of the boys said, “As the saying goes: girls shouldn’t be hit, not with even a flower or a bouquet of flowers!” and “Why? ‘Cause I’m a man!”