Sleeping with Phones
Beware the dangers of a spontaneously-combusting phone.
Ever fall asleep while looking at social media on your phone, or purposely leave your phone on your bed so that you don’t miss anything?
Although you may think it is a harmless thing to do, sleeping with your phone may be hazardous to your health. While you’re sleeping your phone could set your pillow on fire and it may keep you awake.
Recently, a 13- year old Texas girl woke up to a burnt pillow and a melted phone. She fell asleep with her phone underneath her pillow and the phone ignited in the middle of the night.
Cell phones also may make it more difficult to fall asleep. Cell phones give off a blue light. Blue light’s wavelength is similar to daylight. This could cause your body to think that it is daytime and prevent yourself to sleep when you want and need to.
Although there has been no research to state that cell phones cause cancer, the health risks of cell phones are unclear. Cell phones give off small doses of radiation that is similar to the radiation given off by X-Rays.
To get a good nights sleep turn off your cell phone or leave it in a different room while you sleep.
Nikki Taylo • Feb 4, 2015 at 10:16 am
I always knew that sleeping next to your phone was bad for you but I never really knew why. But now I do! And I will try and remember to leave it elsewhere before I go to bed!