And For My Next Trick…

Do not try this at home.
A street magician performing in Syria had his head separated from his body after his magic tricks were deemed anti-Islam by the neighborhood ISIS militants. While performing a spontaneous show for children in the jihadist capital of Raqqa, the performer was dragged into a public square against his will. The reason? His tricks were declared to be an insult to God because they created “illusions and falsehood” and wasted time that people could otherwise be spending inside a mosque, praying. Now a man has lost his life for merely attempting to bring some joy to a city that desperately needs it.
Despite an almost comical sense of overkill in terms of response to a street magician, the brutal execution sheds a light on the conditions being endured by the citizens of cities occupied by ISIS. At one time, Raqqa was a beacon of liberalism in Syria, containing a multitude of religions living together and even some recreational buildings such as a casino. Since the intrusion of IS, the casino has been smashed, all religions except Islam are being persecuted, and the local barbershops have been forced to shut their doors in order to prevent men from shaving off their beards. Even taxi drivers face violence if they choose to take a longer route than required, as they would be taking away time that riders could be spending inside of a mosque.