After years of speculation and controversy, Lance Armstrong has finally admitted to using banned substances during his professional bicycling career. Armstrong had one of the most moving sports comeback stories; he was diagnosed with testicular cancer and quickly fought back to become one of the best cyclists in the world. Armstrong held the record for winning 7 Tour de France races. However on January 18th, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong admitted to doping during all seven of his wins, which basically cancels out all of his existing titles. The World Anti-Doping Agency has banned Armstrong from sanctioned events for the rest of his life.
The whole scenario has disappointed so many fans and the majority of the American public. It’s terrible how he cheated and scammed his competitors and teammates, but the worse part is how he denied it for years. Armstrong had one of the greatest sports comebacks stories in history. In 1996 at age 25, Armstrong was diagnosed with stage three testicular cancer. After having emergency surgery, Armstrong had 40% of survival. However, against all odds, Armstrong bounced back. In 1998 he was back on his bike and racing for the United States Postal team. After winning five more Tour de France wins, Armstrong retired in 2005. In 2008 the world’s most famous cycler announced yet another comeback to the sport, he participated in the Tour de France in 2009 and 2010, and then finally retiring in February of 2011.
However throughout Armstrong’s cycling career there were dozens and dozens of steroid use allegations against him. Performing Enhancing Drugs (PED’s) were speculated of use during his entire career, and unfortunately it has turned out to be true. He has lost all of his sponsors, forced to step down from Livestrong, lose all of his 7 Tour de France wins, and may have a lifetime ban towards him for any cycling event.
Although Armstrong has committed such a devastating crime, he hopes people will forgive him. It is highly unlikely that the public will accept Armstrong’s actions after the lies he has created.